아는것만보인다 / Musée d'Orsay (오르세미술관)
아는것만 보인다. 3
Musée d'Orsay
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오르세미술관 너무 좋아서
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Musée d'Orsay, seen from the right bank of the Seine river
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Musee D'Orsay is a French art museum located adjacent to the Seine River in Paris, France. The former Gare d'Orsay railway station was converted into the museum in 1986.
The museum boasts an extensive collection from the period between 1848 and 1914, featuring famous art from painters such as Monet, Degas, Renoir, Seurat, Gauguin and Van Gogh.
The museum was renovated from 2009 to 2011 in order to improve the galleries, exhibition space and circulation.
오르세 미술관은 일부 예외를 제외하고는 원칙상 1848년부터 1914년까지의 작품을 전시하도록 되어있고, 1848년 이전의 작품은 루브르 박물관, 1914년 이후의 작품은 퐁피두 센터가 담당하도록 분할되어 있다.
The museum building was originally a railway station, Gare d'Orsay, constructed for the Chemin de Fer de Paris à Orléans and finished in time for the 1900 Exposition Universelle to the design of three architects: Lucien Magne, Émile Bénard and Victor Laloux. It was the terminus for the railways of southwestern France until 1939.
By 1939 the station's short platforms had become unsuitable for the longer trains that had come to be used for mainline services. After 1939 it was used for suburban services and part of it became a mailing centre during World War II. It was then used as a set for several films, such as Kafka's The Trial adapted by Orson Welles, and as a haven for the Renaud–Barrault Theatre Company and for auctioneers, while the Hôtel Drouot was being rebuilt.
1900년부터 1939년까지 Gare d'Orsay는 프랑스의 남서부를 연결하는 역할을 했다.
하지만 1939년부터는 교외 연결하고, 세계2차대전 기간동안에는 전쟁포로들에게 발송하는 우편의 우편물 센터의 역할을 했다. 135m의 플랫폼은 발전한 기차의 길이에 비해 너무 짧았기 때문이다. 결국 1958년에는 교외 노선 운행을 중지했다.
In 1970, permission was granted to demolish the station but Jacques Duhamel, Minister for Cultural Affairs, ruled against plans to build a new hotel in its stead. The station was put on the supplementary list of Historic Monuments and finally listed in 1978. The suggestion to turn the station into a museum came from the Directorate of the Museums of France. The idea was to build a museum that would bridge the gap between the Louvre and the National Museum of Modern Art at the Georges Pompidou Centre. The plan was accepted by Georges Pompidou and a study was commissioned in 1974.
1970년, 역을 철거하고 그 자리에 호텔 건물 신축을 승인하지만 나중에 취소했다. 1973년에 역사적인 기념물의 보관 Supplementary list에 등재가 결정된 이후, 1978년 역사적 기념물로서 선언했다.
In 1978, a competition was organized to design the new museum. ACT Architecture, a team of three young architects (Pierre Colboc, Renaud Bardon and Jean-Paul Philippon), were awarded the contract which involved creating 20,000 sq. m. of new floorspace on four floors. The construction work was carried out by Bouygues.
Main Hall of the Musée d'Orsay
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>>> about INTERIOR
In 1981, The interiors of the museum were designed by Gae Aulenti, while Italo Rota and Piero Castiglioni designed the lighting and Richard Peduzzi acted as the architectural consultant. The Italian architect, Gae Aulenti was chosen to design the interior including the internal arrangement, decoration, furniture and fittings of the museum.
Gae Aulenti created a unified appearance for the interiors by using homogeneous stone to wrap the floor and walls; both artificial and natural lighting was used. Use of this dual lighting scheme provided the intensity necessary to present the various works of art in the museum.
The renovation has added dark wood flooring and the walls have been painted grey. The walls previously sported a white colour, which created a halo around the paintings and preventing the subtle contrasts and details from being revealed.
A combination of halogen and new-generation diode lights has been used to create the intensity of sunlight. The new lighting system coupled with the new colour of the walls enables a better display of the artworks. The sculptures have also been provided with display cabinets.
Finally in July 1986, the museum was ready to receive its exhibits. It took 6 months to install the 2000 or so paintings, 600 sculptures and other works. The museum officially opened in December 1986 by then-president, François Mitterrand.
원래 오르세 미술관의 건물은 1900년 파리 만국 박람회 개최를 맞이해 오를레앙 철도가 건설한 철도역이자 호텔이었다. 1939년에 철도역 영업을 중단한 이후, 용도를 두고 다양한 논의가 오갔다. 철거하자는 주장도 있었지만, 1970년대부터 프랑스 정부가 보존·활용책을 검토하기 시작해, 19세기를 중심으로 하는 미술관으로 다시 태어나게 되었다. 1986년 12월 9일에 개관한 오르세 미술관은, 지금은 파리의 명소로 정착했다. 인상파 미술을 전시하던 국립 주드폼 미술관의 수장품은 모두 오르세 미술관으로 이관되어 있다.
The Musée d'Orsay as seen from the Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor
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An harmonious mix of the new and old architecture.
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The famous clock inside the Musee D’Orsay
(클릭하면 엄;;;청;;;;;;;; 커져영;;;;;;;)
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